Park tool hbp 1 hub bearing press set

449,99 €   free shipping   
the hbp 1 is designed to quickly and accurately press bearings into a wide variety of cartridge bearing type bicycle hubs quick release design for fast tool installation and removal includes two bearing presses and precision machined aluminum pilots bushings and spacers works with more than 20 different cartridge bearing sizes and multiple axle configurations features description dimensions quantity bushing 8 x 16 22mm 2 bushing 9 x 20 22 24mm 2 bushing 10 x 19 22 26mm 2 bushing 12 x 18 21 24 27mm 2 bushing 15 x 21 24 26 28mm 2 bushing 17 x 26 30mm 2 bushing 20 x 27 32 37mm 2 pilot 12mm 15mm 17mm 20mm 2 spacer 8mm 9mm 10mm 12mm 15mm 17mm 20mm 1 larger press with t 10mm 1 smiller press with cam handle qr 10mm 1 ...
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